Update on Sadie Mae
Sadie Mae has put on 85 lbs since our Humane Investigators brought her to the shelter for rehabilitation on September 17, 2014. Our investigators and kennel staff are happy to report that Sadie Mae is doing well, she has a good appetite and is gaining weight at a healthy pace. Sadie Mae is even beginning to make friends with the other mares! She has started to trust the staff and seems to enjoy her weekly baths.
Sadie Mae is one of 5 horses currently under protective custody and one available for adoption at the HSVC (Sadie Mae is not available for adoption at this time). We are still in need of funds to help cover the cost of care for these horses and the other animals in our care. If you are interested in donating we are accepting monetary donations (please specify horses on your check or online donation) and gift cards to feed stores in the Ojai and Ventura area.
Thank you all for your continued support and to those who have already donated!
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