Sponsorship Opportunity Available!
We need your help! The Humane Society of Ventura County is looking for individuals and businesses that are interested in sponsorship opportunities for a new wash rack for our horse area. With the recent renovation of our equestrian facility and completion of our new horse barn, the next step is adding a wash rack area so that we can continue providing the best possible care to rescue horses.
A horse wash area is a wonderful amenity at a barn. It provides a place to safely wash a horse or other livestock without a lot of setup work and minimal waste. It also provides a great place for a horse to be secured during vet or farrier care. The majority of horses that end up in the care of the Shelter are here due to a history of abuse and/or neglect. Many of these animals have had minimal handling and are often frightened. A wash rack will not only be safer for the horses, but also for those working to give them the best care.
The Humane Society of Ventura County would like to install a concrete 12X12 base with cross ties. This is where you come in! Our projected estimate for the project is between $3500-$5000. If you are interested in sponsoring this project or making a donation to help cover the cost please contact Greg Cooper, Director of Community Outreach at 805-646-6505 ext.112 or email [email protected].
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