Reducing Feral Cat Overpopulation in our Community – Thank You Richard!
We would like to extend a big thank you to Richard for his excellent work in helping reduce the overpopulation of feral cats in our community and for his weekly donations to the shelter. You rock Richard!
Santa Paula native Richard has been successfully trapping feral cats over the last couple of months and bringing them to the shelter to be altered. To date, Richard has brought seven feral cats to our spay/neuter clinic for TNR (trap, neuter, release) surgeries. With each visit to the clinic, Richard also donates $50 to the shelter, making his total donation $350 so far!
We are very grateful for supporters like Richard who help us with our goal of reducing feral and stray cat overpopulation. According to the Animal Rescue Professionals Association, a single male/female pair of unaltered cats can turn into 420,000 cats in just seven years. To combat this overpopulation, the HSVC offers free TNR surgeries for any feral cat brought to our clinic in a humane trap on surgery days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).
TNR surgeries include scanning for the presence of a microchip, vaccination, sterilization, flea control, and ear tipping. Ear tipping involves removing a small tip of the cat’s ear, which serves as a visual indicator that the cat has been sterilized and does not need to be trapped again. This procedure is painless for the cat. Surgery and treatment costs are subsidized through the Herman Bennet Foundation. However, if you do not wish for your cat to be ear-tipped, costs and treatments will be the financial responsibility of the trapper.
For more information on the benefits of spaying/neutering your animal, please visit the ASPCA website. For more information on the HSVC’s feral cat program, please visit our website. To get involved in trapping feral cats in your community, please visit the Community Cat Coalition website.
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