Okey & Sweet Pea - Pet(s) of the Month
Meet Okey and Sweet Pea! They are a wonderful bonded pair that would love a home with you!
Okey is a sweet and timid male, tan and white Chihuahua. He is about 8 years old, and he has been at the HSVC since Sep 22, 2014. Sweet Pea is a darling female Chihuahua. She is about 9 years old and she has been at the HSVC since September 22, 2014.
Okey and his sister Sweet Pea were very scared when they came to the Humane Society. They would hide in the back of their kennels and shake from fear. With patience, and a lot of treats, they began to warm up. Okey was the first let our volunteers pet him and he was the first to come out and explore! He is a little timid on the leash, but walks very well when he is comfortable. He is good being carried and he still loves treats!
Sweet Pea is very rightly named! Though it took a while for her to trust our volunteers, now her reaction to seeing them is to hop right into their laps! She prefers to be carried, and her body still shakes when she is nervous, but she is making great progress!! She is a peppy and sweet old girl! Sweet Pea walks well on a leash, for a beginner, and she likes being held. She loves treats! Sweet Pea was an outside dog at her old home. It will take some time for these two to warm up in their kennel, but if you ask to play with them, they may feel more comfortable. Take your time with these two, they are well worth it!
The adoption fees for these two is only $75 to take BOTH of these little loves home!
Included with every dog adoption will be the first DHLPP shot of the series, a rabies vaccine, a medical exam good for up to three days from participating veterinarians, implanting an identification microchip (registration extra), spay or neuter surgery if necessary as well as a collar, ID tag and a leash.
For dog adoptions, a yard check will be performed prior to adoption. In addition to adequate fencing and shelter, those wishing to adopt a pet must provide either proof of ownership of the residence or a rental agreement for that address indicating that pets are allowed.
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