Meet Chloe!


Meet Chloe! Chloe is a female, brown tabby and white Domestic Shorthair. She is about 12 years old, and she has been here since Feb 04, 2015. Chloe was originally adopted from the HSVC 11/11/2003 (11 years ago!) and she was brought back when her owner had to move.

She is older, but she does not show it! Our photographer had trouble getting a nice picture of Chloe because she kept trying to love on the her!  Chloe is very sweet! She is good with people of all ages, and she is also good with small dogs. Chloe is housebroken and she is said to have overall good obedience! Chloe is a mellow and affectionate kitty who wants to win your heart! Come meet her in the cat lobby today!

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