Luke is one lucky boy!


Formerly Pitch, the handsome Pit Bull mix was transferred to HSVC from our friends at Ventura County Animal Services in mid-August 2023. He found his forever home in early October with Jennifer, Will, Kodie, and Donnie and has been living the good life ever since. What a lucky boy!

According to his new mom Jennifer, Luke's name was inspired by a late friend who loved rescuing dogs. Luke immediately seemed to respond to his new name and quickly embraced his role as the newest addition to the family. In just a few months Luke has learned to walk well on a leash and can sit, stay, lay down, shake, lay on his side, and spin around on command. 

"He has been a wonderful big brother to his 8-month-old kitten sister, Maple, and their antics are hysterical. Luke has enjoyed several fun adventures to the beach and a trip down to (and into) the Ventura River. He also loves when we go out to eat or on an outing because he is always the star and is happy to meet and greet with families and other dogs. We are all so grateful to have him here and he loves to snuggle in bed with us at night. We can’t imagine life without him!" said Jennifer.

Thank you to Luke's forever family for taking a chance on him and giving the sweet pup the loving home he deserves!

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  • Humane Society of Ventura County
    published this page in Success Stories 2024-04-01 12:22:49 -0700