Loma Vista 2nd Graders Visit HSVC


Loma Vista Elementary from Ventura visited the shelter with 80 learners eager to see HSVC’s beautiful shelter in Ojai. We split up the 80 2nd graders into a 2-day field trip experience where the students learned more about the shelter and the animals. These field trips included a tour, animal interactions, and choice activities that involved themes from the Humane Education for Youth (HEY) school program.


The themes explored in this trip were community and care. Students also got a chance to participate in a trivia challenge at the end of the day to test how much they learned after their experience. It's always a joy seeing young learners visit the shelter and learn more about HSVC and how to care for animals in their community.

If you are interested in scheduling a youth tour/field trip to our shelter, please contact me, Angie Chupek Sagliani, at [email protected] or visit the website and submit a presentation request.

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  • Angie Sagliani
    published this page in Latest News 2024-04-10 10:18:35 -0700