Let's FIX Ventura County!
Often times orphaned animals, too young to survive on their own, are brought to shelters and rescues to be cared for. These young animals need around the clock care, and shelters rely on fosters to provide them with everything they need during this vulnerable time. When volunteer fosters are not available, our staff is always ready and willing to step up.
If you have recently visited the Humane Society of Ventura County, you may have noticed Adoption Counselor, Josephine, is doing double duty at the front desk. Besides her regular responsibilities, Josephine has taken on the care of a kitten who was brought to us last week when it was just one day old. The kitten was found in a driveway with its umbilical cord and placenta still wrapped around it. The people who found the kitten watched for hours to see if the mother was coming back and took the kitten in to care for it through the night. The following day they brought it to the HSVC.
Motherless kittens require one on one care that includes bottle feeding them every few hours, "pottying" them and providing them with proper socialization to make sure they grow up healthy and strong. Each evening the kitten goes home with Josephine so she can care for it throughout the night and brings the kitten back to work each day.
While this kitten got lucky that someone found it and knew how to help. Many other orphaned animals aren't' as fortunate. Just another reason, the HSVC, along with most shelters across the nation, are such strong advocates for spay and neuter.
If you would like to join us in our efforts to help relieve the plight of homeless animals throughout the county, please consider donating to our spay and neuter fund. We look forward to bringing new and innovative spay and neuter services and programs to the animals and people of Ventura County. You can show your support by making a donation online at www.hsvc.org/donate and choose spay and neuter in the drop-down menu.
For our supporters close to home we invite you to attend our SPAYghetti-NO BALLS fundraiser coming up on September 15th at Four Brix Winery in Ventura. All funds raised will benefit the HSVC spay and neuter clinic. Event details and tickets are available online at www.hsvc.org/spayghetti.

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