Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme Visit HSVC


What a pleasure it was to see groups from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme (BGCOP) using their out-of-school time to help the HSVC with two days of service projects. The shelter was preparing for a big community event and the BGCOP members were eager to help showcase the animals that are currently up for adoption.


They spice-upped Saturday's adoption event by designing pumpkin-shaped adoption posters with splashes of fall colors and decorating cat and kitty hiding boxes.


The most mutually rewarding service was when the members spent their time reading to the animals. BGCOP members left happy and inquired about how they can help out in the future.

Running the animal shelter requires not only staff but the help and support of the community. Thank you, BGCOP members, for answering the call and choosing to visit and participate in much-needed community work. We appreciate your help and dedication!

If you are interested in youth service projects, please contact me, Angie Chupek Sagliani, at [email protected].


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