Winnie's Happily Ever After

Just over one year later and good girl Winnie is still loving life in her furever home with Jack and Fern! The adorable red Labrador/Retriever mix was adopted from the HSVC in late May of 2020 and it has been nonstop fun ever since!


According to her pawrents, 7-year-old Winnie was a little anxious when she was first brought home. However, with time and training, she grew more comfortable and has blossomed into a lovable, goofy dog. Her hobbies include hiking, watching squirrels through the front window, laying on the bed for morning cuddles, and giving high fives in exchange for treats.

"I have discovered that I don't like the ocean (way too cold) or dressing up for Halloween (so embarrassing) or being picked up, but my humans seem to enjoy those things, so I try to be a good sport. I still like to greet other dogs very carefully but have made a few furry friends who I play with on my morning walks. My favorite walk is the one we do on Saturday mornings up to the grassy field so I can get some sun on my belly!" said Winnie via her parents.


Thank you, Jack and Fern, for choosing Winnie and giving her all the attention, care, and love she deserves!


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  • Amy King
    published this page in Success Stories 2021-06-01 16:26:52 -0700