Volunteers Take Part in All Shelter Clean-Up Day
Did you know that The Humane Society of Ventura County is celebrating its 90th birthday this June? We are so excited to kick off the celebrations with an Open House on June 11th from 10-3 pm. We have been working hard to get the shelter ready and just this past weekend we were lucky to have a group of volunteers join us for a Clean-Up and Repair Day! We worked with volunteers from our local Kohl's and Amazon facilities who graciously spent their Saturday morning doing the painstaking work of preparing our livestock area to be disaster relief ready.
As a community resource during disasters like wildfires, our shelter takes in all types of animals, including livestock onto our 4.4-acre property for safekeeping. It takes a lot of work from staff and volunteers to stay prepared for any disaster. Our generous volunteers this past weekend helped prepare us for housing animals by clearing out our corrals and ensuring everything was safe and ready to go in case of an emergency.
We are proud to support our community and are grateful to have community members that support us! If you are interested in collaborating with our shelter on a volunteer day, please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Sarah Fraza at [email protected].
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