Thomas Fire - How You Can Help


Thank you to everyone who has come down to the shelter to donate their time and skills in the past few days to help care for the animals!

We know that many people are wondering what they can do to help. At this time we are requesting volunteers in the following intervals: 8-10 AM, 12-2PM, and 4-6PM. These are the peak hours of activity at the shelter for cleaning and feeding of the hundreds of animals in our care. During these hours, volunteers will help clean kennels, litter boxes, the cat rooms and cat cages, raking the property of the falling leaves, and feeding all of the animals in our care.

Volunteers must be 18 years or older and be able to do some lifting. We require volunteers to be dressed in pants and closed toed shoes. Due to the hectic nature of our situation, we are asking volunteers to arrive promptly at the start time for these shifts for a safety debrief before being assigned. At this time we can not accommodate walk-ins. 

For those interested in donating physical items, staff have compiled a comprehensive list of things to get us through the coming weeks. 

Wish List as of Wednesday, December 7, 2017 • 4:30 PM:

• Horse feed; Alfalfa, Timothy and Oat bales
• Pig food
• Dry dog and cat food
• Human food
• Gatorade
• Coffee, coffee filters and disposable coffee cups
• Dog food and water bowels
• Batteries of any and all sizes
• Battery operated lanterns
• Tarps
• Water troughs for horses
• Heavy duty wheel barrows
• Muck rakes
• Paper towels
• Heavy duty garden hoses – any size
• Dog and Cat crates and carriers
• Cat carrier boxes
• Eye protection
• Rope
• Empty pallets (to stack donated hay)

If you are out of the area or can not make it to the shelter to drop off a donation please consider contributing to our rescue efforts on our website at

The Humane Society of Ventura County is located at 402 Bryant Street in Ojai. Thank you!

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