Thank You Girl Scout Troop 65031!

The Humane Society of Ventura County would like to say a very special thank you to Girl Scout Brownie Troop 65031 for donating nearly $300 of cookie sale earnings to help us fulfill our Amazon Wishlist! It is an honor that these young girls chose our shelter as the beneficiary of their hard work. Thank you for your support Troop 65031!


We were excited to host them for a tour of the shelter in early June during which they got to meet our resident Cockatoo, Oliver, play with the kittens, and learn about all the services we provide here at our shelter.


If you have a group that is interested in a tour of our 4.4 Acre Compassionate Care Shelter, please contact our Humane Educator, Angie Sagliani at [email protected]. Or if you have a group that is interested in volunteering please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Sarah Fraza at [email protected].

As a private nonprofit, we rely solely on the generosity of our community to continue achieving our mission of saving lives and finding homes for our wonderful shelter animals. If you would like to show your support for our shelter, please visit our website to donate now or check out our Amazon Wishlist. Thank you for your support!

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  • Amy King
    published this page in Latest News 2022-06-21 13:48:29 -0700