Thank You Supporters!
Thank you to everyone who made a donation to the Humane Society of Ventura County yesterday for Giving Tuesday! We are humbled by the generosity of our our supporters that make our work possible on a daily basis. Whether you support the shelter by volunteering your time, donating, or adopting, the shelter is here because of you!
As a private, non-profit organization that does not receive funding from the government or national animal welfare organizations like Humane Society of the United States or ASPCA, we depend on people who selflessly give to the animals and the programs that support them.
Your generous donations and the numerous animals that are adopted each month show us our community cares about the welfare and future of animals in need.
If you missed out on yesterday's Giving Tuesday you can still make an impact on the lives of animals in need by donating today!
CLICK HERE to make a one time donation to help support the HSVC! www.hsvc.org/donate
CLICK HERE to sign up and make a monthly donation of your chosen amount! www.hsvc.org/support
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