Stray Horse Finds Comfort at the Humane Society of Ventura County
On Wednesday, December 13th, the Humane Society of Ventura County took in a older stray horse that had been found wandering in a field at Briggs and Foothill Road in Santa Paula. Two kind citizens in the area were able to load the horse into a trailer and transport him to our shelter in Ojai.
Humane Officers Vail and Winwood and Veterinary Assistant Christina Malleck were able to get the horse unloaded and into a paddock where he was promptly given food and bathed.
There's no way to know for certain but from the his looks the horse had been wandering for days if not longer without food or fresh water. He was covered in dirt and ash and had deep imprints from a halter around his face. Dr. Granstedt DVM tended to his needs earlier today and reported that he was indeed very emaciated.
The horse, lovingly called Tommy by the staff is doing well and feeling much better know that he is on the mend. We are trying to find the owner of this horse and believe he is from somewhere in the Santa Paula area. If you recognize this horse or have any leads on who his family is please contact the Humane Society of Ventura County at 805-646-6505.

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