Ophelia's Training Day Adventure


Shelter pup Ophelia went on an adventure last weekend! She and Animal Care Associate Lacie journeyed to Santa Paula for a dog training workshop hosted by Tracy Vail of The Canine Messenger. The workshop was held at a gorgeous ranch and attendees participated in a group pack walk, behavior training exercises, and more. We are so proud of how well Ophelia did!


This training was a great opportunity for owners to build a stronger relationship with their pets through mental and physical stimulation. Each owner worked directly with Tracy and ranch owner Tina Baselice to address behavior concerns with their furry friends. Dogs learned how to coexist with each other, walk calmly on a leash, and connect with their owners. They even got to walk next to a horse! 

"It was so great to meet Lacie and see Ophelia at our workshop on Saturday! Lacie has wonderful dog and leash-handling skills and Ophelia was one of the best dogs in the class!" said Tracy.

What a furrtastic experience for all. We highly recommend any of The Canine Messenger's trainings, check out her website if you are interested. Thank you to Tracy and Tina for hosting the group!

Ophelia is still looking for a home! Stop by the shelter any time during visiting hours Monday - Saturday between 10 am and 4:30 pm to meet her. She is currently residing at the HSVC, located at 402 Bryant St. in Ojai, but we're hoping she can be a part of someone's family soon!

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