New Year's Resolutions For You and Your Dog
It is hard to believe that we are already one week into 2019. This time of year it is common for people to start making plans for the new year. One popular tradition is the New Year's resolution. This coming year why not make resolutions that benefit both you and your pets! Your pets may benefit from many of the same goals you set for yourselves, such as regular exercise and even dropping a few pounds. What an excellent opportunity to work as a team!
Following are some ideas for New Year's resolutions for both pets and their human companions. If you have any other ideas, please let us know what your goals this year will be in the comments below!
-GET MORE EXERCISE: Incorporate more playtime in your routine for you and your pet. Start with trying a new activity! Don’t forget, cats need exercise too!
-TEACH AN OLD DOG A NEW TRICK! It’s never too late, and your pet will enjoy the attention!
-PRACTICE GOOD ORAL HYGIENE. Both dogs and cats need an owner attentive to their pets oral health. Ask your vet the best way to keep your pets mouths fresh!
-MAKE A DATE WITH YOUR VET. Cats and dogs age far quicker than their human counterparts, getting your pet an annual check-up is a great way to keep your loved ones healthy and happy!
-MAKE NEW FRIENDS! Dogs need to be socialized with other dogs on a regular basis. Find a new dog park or dog-friendly beach to explore, you may even make a new friend too!
-GROOM YOUR PET ON A REGULAR BASIS. Just like you, your pet feels great when he/she looks great! Your animal will be more comfortable free from mats, overgrown toenails, yeasty ears, itchy eyes, and more. Routine care and maintenance can significantly improve your dog's quality of life.
-BE A VOICE. Speak up when you notice neglected or abused pets in your neighborhood. This isn't pleasant, but if you can help even one animal escape a painful life, it is worth it. Shelters and rescue groups will thank you, and most will accept an anonymous tip to help animals in need. If you witness or suspect any instances of abuse or neglect in the Ventura County area, please notify our investigators at (805) 656-5031 or 646-6505. All information is kept confidential.
-HELP A LESS-FORTUNATE ANIMAL. Remember that not all dogs are as lucky as yours. Not all dogs have regular meals, veterinary care, someone who loves them and will play with them, a home to call their own. Donate funds, supplies or volunteer a few hours a week at a local animal shelter. To make a donation to the Humane Society of Ventura County, please visit us on the web at www.hsvc.org/donate.
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