Kittens, Cupcakes, and Cuteness!
We all had so much fun at our Kitten Shower this past Saturday! Guests enjoyed free mini cupcakes, activities, giveaways, and even got to interact with tiny fur babies! Thank you to our staff who helped make the shower a success, and thank you to all who attended and supported our foster program.
Thank you to Holly, one of HSVC's most experienced fosters, for bringing her litter of foster kittens to spread the cuteness at the shower. Guests were delighted to have the chance to snuggle these four adorable fur babies. Her litter is not available for adoption yet but they will be soon! Keep an eye out on our website or visit the shelter to learn more if you are interested in adopting.
(Above, right) HSVC superstar foster pawrents Becky and her daughter, Emma, educated attendees at the event with a live bottle-feeding demonstration on a kitten. Young kittens are very delicate at this age and need to be bottle-fed correctly to get all the nutrition they need. After the demonstration, Becky and Emma answered questions from the audience about kitten welfare.
(Left) To top off the day, Eloise, HSVC's Director of Development's daughter, presented an adorable card she made to our kittens to show her love for them on their special day. Thank you for your support, Eloise!
This event showcased the types of fosters that the HSVC needs and the starter kits that we give to new fosters as they begin their foster journey with us. If you are interested in joining our foster team, please visit our website to learn more or email our Foster Coordinator, Cheney, at [email protected]. Those who are not ready to foster yet but would still like to support the program can check out our Foster Kitten Amazon Wishlist to help our kittens in need.
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