Quirky Karma Finds Her Family

Karma, formerly Daisy, was transferred to the HSVC through our rescue partners in early March of 2020. The 4-year-old German Shepherd mix quickly caught the eye of Kara and her family with her gorgeous looks and quirky personality. They adopted Karma on March 14th, 2020, just days before we were forced to close our doors due to COVID-19. 


According to Kara, the sweet pup has been a source of joy and entertainment throughout the pandemic. "She has been a wonderful addition to our lives, beloved by our boys and our whole family. She loves hiking and snoozing and belly rubs!" said Kara.

The family has also been working closely with Tracy Vail of The Canine Messenger to help Karma with her leash reactivity. Through time and patience, Karma's relationship with humans has also improved dramatically over the last year. 

We are so grateful to Kara, her husband Jeff, and her children Hiram and Hayden for rescuing sweet Karma and taking the time to help her grow into the wonderful family pup we knew she could be!


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  • Amy King
    published this page in Success Stories 2021-03-08 10:30:04 -0800