Humane Education - Book Your Presentation Today!


Visiting classrooms is one of my favorite things to do as Humane Educator.  I meet many wonderful teachers and students along the way. 

At St. Patrick’s Day School in Thousand Oaks, second grade teacher, Adrianne Rippinger, has created a unit where the Humane Society is the theme for her students throughout this school year.  In creating such a theme, students are learning about nonprofit organizations, careers with animals, pet care and responsibility, and service learning by collecting supplies for the Shelter.  Students are “adopting” a pet, writing about it and researching when it gets adopted.  The culmination of this unit will be a field trip to the Shelter at the end of the school year.


"Students learn about nonprofit organizations, careers with animals,

pet care and responsibility, and service learning by

collecting supplies for the Shelter."


Syrah, the Humane Society dog, and I love visiting the classes. She wows the students with her intelligence, plus she loves showing off all her


 tricks.  She comes with me when presenting, “Pet Care and Responsibility.”  These presentations are still the top choice for teachers. Students lovelearning how our pets have similar needs to our own.

Living with Wildlife, a new presentation this year, is increasing in popularity.  When living in an urban community, it is important for student to learn that we live amongst wildlife that we depend on for a stable ecosystem.  Students learn and understand the importance of the wildlife in our community and what we can do to coexist with them.  They also learn how they can become “citizen scientist” and what to do if they see a sick or injured wild animal.


Upper grades are enjoying presentation on animal behavior, comparing our 5 sense with dogs and cats, and careers with animals.  As an experienced classroom teacher, my goal is to meet the needs of your students. All presentations include a Power Point presentation that I believe the students will enjoy.  I also have handouts to reinforce concepts and facts that the students learn.

I would love to visit your classroom too!  Please email me at [email protected] and I will send you more information. 

-Robin Satnick



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