HSVC Cares Helps Wherever They Can

Every day, thousands of people experience homelessness in our community. Many rely on their pets as a constant source of companionship, comfort, and love. These pets, though undeniably loved by their owners, face challenges regarding access to basic healthcare and resources necessary for survival. The Humane Society of Ventura County's community outreach program, HSVC Cares, was born to support the needs of these owners and their pets, allowing pet owners the chance to properly care for the animals they love most. 


On January 11th, our mobile Pet Wellness Clinic revisited an unhoused community in Ventura County. Dr. Christina Sisk, Dr. Melodie Degen, and their Clinic team arrived with the goal of providing essential wellness services to pets within the community. The team offered free spay/neuter surgeries and vaccinations, two critical services that help prevent pet overpopulation and protect animals from preventable diseases such as Rabies, Parvovirus, and Distemper. Our staff also took in five 9-week-old puppies surrendered to the shelter by an owner who could no longer care for them. They are currently receiving medical treatment and may be available for adoption soon. Stay tuned!

HSVC Cares is committed to ensuring that all pets, no matter their living situation, receive the healthcare they deserve. Our shelter aims to not only improve the well-being of animals within our community but also help prevent unwanted litters and the spread of dangerous diseases. The HSVC Cares initiative helps curb the pet overpopulation crisis and helps pets in need live healthy, happy lives.

Looking ahead, HSVC Cares will be hosting a vaccine clinic on Saturday, February 1st, at the Alano Club in Oxnard (250 Hill St) from 9 am to 12 pm. This clinic will provide free vaccinations for pets in the community, making it easier for pet owners to keep their animals safe and healthy. Whether you’re a pet owner in need or looking to support this cause, this clinic is a perfect opportunity to make a difference. Save the date and join us as we continue our mission to care for the animals who need us most. Your support—through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word—helps ensure a brighter, healthier future for pets across our community.

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