HSVC Partners with BUNS Once Again!

In late November of 2021, our staff answered a plea sent out by Santa Barbara County Animals Service (SBCAS) and BUNS (Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter) regarding an overwhelming number of guinea pigs at their shelter. Senior Humane Officer King then contacted SBCAS’s Community Outreach Coordinator, Michelle Maltun, to coordinate the transfer of four guinea pigs to the HSVC.

One month later, Senior Officer King, along with Officer Utter and HSVC Media and Marketing Coordinator Amy King, returned to SBCAS to tour the BUNS facility and assist in another transfer. Our staff got to see firsthand the quality care each BUNS volunteer dedicates to the welfare of their guinea pigs and rabbits.

“I was overwhelmed by the love and care the volunteer staff at BUNS dedicate to the animals in their care daily. My favorite part was sitting in the day runs and feeding fresh greens to the rabbits and guinea pigs,” said Senior Humane Officer King.


After touring the BUNS facility and spending time with their animals, Officer Utter and Senior Officer King safely loaded four more guinea pigs to transport to the HSVC. They are now residing at our Shelter in Ojai and are patiently waiting for furever homes of their own. If you are interested in adopting one of these pint-sized cuties, please call 805-646-6505.

Unfortunately, many shelters are now seeing a high increase in returns of animals adopted during the COVID-19 shutdown. Many pet owners are heading back to work and realizing they do not have time for the animals they previously adopted. The HSVC will continue to partner with local animal welfare organizations like BUNS to help find homes for the many animals now finding themselves displaced in shelters.

Those looking to support our cause can do so by donating to the HSVC via our website. We also accept donations in-person at the Shelter, located at 402 Bryant St. In Ojai, during business hours Monday – Saturday from 10 am – 5 pm. Our Shelter is always in need of towels, blankets, unopened cat and dog food, and pet toys. Supporters may also purchase these items via our Amazon Wishlist. We appreciate your support!

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  • Amy King
    published this page in Latest News 2022-01-10 16:40:17 -0800