Holiday Bake Sale
Cookies! Cupcakes! Candy! The Bake Sale is returning to the Humane Society of Ventura County's 31st annual Santa Paws Fundraiser on Dec. 3, and we need your help! Baked goodies of all kinds are needed for the sale, especially those with a holiday theme.
All bakers should try to package their items for sale. Baked goods should be labeled with the name of the item, the baker’s name, and the main ingredients of the recipe. Listing the ingredients helps those buyers who have various food allergies make an informed choice.
If baking isn’t your thing but you would like to contribute, the following items are needed to make this sale successful: small and large paper plates, plastic knives and forks, napkins, price tags, and especially any tabletop displays that can be used to hold the baked goods.
This year volunteer Teri Reid is taking the helm to organize the sale. If you would like to donate baked goods for the sale please email Teri at [email protected]. She can also be reached at her cell, 805-861-6872.
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