Highlights From the 86th Annual Birthday Bash and Open House


Over the weekend, the Humane Society of Ventura County celebrated 86 years of service in Ventura County by hosting an Open House. The Shelter’s Board of Directors and staff was on hand to answer questions and tours were available throughout the shelter. 

Our annual Birthday Bash and Open House is one of our favorite days of the year, and it is all made possible by the support of our community. Thank you to Firefly Ceramics who sent over members of their staff with all the supplies necessary for our guests to create some very stunning work for our Tiles for Tails Fundraiser. A special thank you as well to Walmart in Oxnard for providing the delicious birthday cake, Starbuck’s in Ojai for their donation of Coffee, and Vons for donating ice for the event. We are also incredibly grateful to local artists Claudia Figueiredo and Carolyn Siracusa for their donations of handmade gifts, and Mari Mortland who donated beautifully potted plants, with all proceeds from their sales benefitting the shelter. Our volunteers always play a huge part in ensuring that our events are a great success and many of the behind the scenes work is done by these dedicated individuals. We would like to thank everyone who worked so hard donating their time and skills to the shelter and helped create such a welcoming atmosphere for our guests!. 

We were also pleased this year to have in attendance the honorable Mayor of Ojai Johnny Johnston, Ventura County Assistant CEO Mike Pettit, Sandra Bravo from US Congresswoman Julia Brownley's office, and Angelica Cisneros from California Assemblymember Monique Limón's office. On behalf of Julia Brownley’s Office and that of Assemblymember Monique Limón's the Humane Society of Ventura County was presented with two certificates of Congressional and Legislature Recognition for our service to the community. Another surprise came from Architectural Designer John Turturro, who unveiled the newest plans for our ongoing Kennel Campaign.

Thank you all for taking the time to show us your support and we look forward to another prosperous year serving the Ventura County community!

















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