Humane Education Youth Programs Summer Kickoff
Greetings from Humane Education,
Summer is just within reach! I can already imagine beautiful long summer days to enjoy with my family and with the community. Here at the Humane Society of Ventura County (HSVC) we are prepping for our Birthday Bash and celebrating the organization’s 91 years of service to the Ventura County community. We hope to see you there!
This is the last week for school program presentations, as Humane Education Youth programs will be transitioning from school programs to summer programs in June.
HSVC Humane Education Youth programs’ summer season will officially begin with our Summer Animal Camps starting June 22-June 30th. This year HSVC summer season will include a 2-week summer camp and a Community Day on July 7th. Visit our events page and select the camp you are interested in to register your child.
Please note, school programs will be returning in the Fall starting in August for the 2023-24 school year. Speaking of Fall 2023, SAVE THE DATE: Animal Reading Friends (ARF) Storytelling event will be on Saturday, October 28th. Stay tuned for more details.
If you would like to request a summer Humane Education Youth program, please visit our Education page on the website. Look for the orange button at the bottom of the page to submit a presentation request.
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