Happy Trails, Archer!


We have some exciting news! Archer, a rescue horse who has been in the Humane Society of Ventura's care for the past 11 months, got a fresh start with a new family on Wednesday morning!

This past October, Humane Officer Winwood received a call regarding a skinny horse at a property in Camarillo. When Officer Winwood arrived, she found two horses in dire need of help. Along with Dr. Marta Granstedt, Officer Winwood made the decision to impound the animals. The previous owner was later taken to court for violation of Penal Code 597.(b) and 597f.(a).

One of the horses was Archer. He was examined by Dr. Marta Granstedt and found to be severely emaciated with a body condition score of 1 out of 9 on the Henneke Scale. Archer's hooves were examined by farrier Stacy Hyatt, who removed old shoes and found a nail embedded in the soft tissue.

Archer was in for a long road to recovery. However, with the help of the Shelter's dedicated staff and volunteers, Archer has become a new horse. With proper nutrition and veterinary care, he has gained almost 300 lbs and Archer's true personality has come out, sealing the heart of everyone he meets.

This morning, nearly one year since his arrival, Archer found his new home with Danielle Brinkman. Every application for a horse through the Humane Society of Ventura County passes through the Humane Officer's hands. Officer Winwood stated, "Seeing Archer come from a horse that barely had enough strength to lift his head and turning into the sassy goofball he is now is truly the epitome of why I love my job. I wanted to make sure I found his perfect forever home, and I believe I have."

Good luck Archer from all of us at the Humane Society of Ventura County! We will miss you, but also look forward to seeing your new adventures!

Special thanks to Jerviss and Sons Horse Transport for transporting Archer to his new home!

Pictured: Danielle Brinkman welcomes Archer into the family while staff wish Archer luck and say their good-byes.





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