Giving Tuesday was a Huge Success!
We are thrilled to share that our Giving Tuesday fundraiser at Ojai Valley Brewery was a huge success! We received a total of $11,226 in online and in-person donations throughout the day, well over our goal of $10,000! Thank you to all who came out to support the HSVC and help animals in need!
Above: Attendees enjoying the festive, animal-friendly atmosphere at Ojai Valley Brewery on Tuesday night during our Giving Tuesday finale event.
Many of our staff, volunteers, and supporters were in attendance to partake in the silent auction and enjoy a beer for a good cause. HSVC Board Director Judy Diaz sponsored the event by offering to match donations up to $1500. We are happy to report we received $1641 in donations at the event (not including online donations), maxing out her offer to match! Thank you for your support, Judy!
There were also several HSVC alumni pets in attendance. The first 20 at the event were gifted a free beer ticket, courtesy of Ojai Valley Brewery, as a thank you for choosing to adopt not shop.
Above Left: Yael and her two HSVC alums Sonny and Molly pose with their friends Gail and HSVC alum Freya and fur sibling Haley. Above Right: HSVC Volunteer Carol poses with her husband and their HSVC alum Wendy.
Above: Volunteer Coordinator Sarah Fraza poses in the photo booth with several of our volunteers and board member Judy Diaz.
Above: HSVC alum Josephine checks out the silent auction items. Thank you to all of our fantastic donors for donating ten amazing baskets to auction off to benefit animals in need! Stay tuned to hear more about each donor!
Above: (Left) HSVC alum Chip, adopted in 2017, poses in the photo booth with his adoptive mama. (Right) HSVC Volunteer Linda and HSVC staff member Natalie have some fun with photo booth props.
Above: HVC alum Lorenzo, one of Mama Juliet's puppies, arrived with his family and fur sibling Josephine to support the Shelter.
In addition to the funds we received on Giving Tuesday, we also received donations all November as part of our month-long Giving Tuesday campaign, for a grand total of $14,392! From all the staff and animals of the HSVC, thank you to everyone who donated in support of our Shelter. As a private nonprofit, we know we could not do what we do without the support of our community. We are grateful for your continuous support!
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