Check Out These Tips to Stay Safe During Emergencies
As we are entering warmer temperatures, the chances of wildfires are increasing. It's always wise to have an emergency bag ready for your pets. Check out these tips to help you stay prepared for when disaster strikes!
Keep a go-bag: Include five days of food and water, medications and vet records, leash, collar, ID tags, harness, and photos of you and your pet together. Bring extra litter and a disposable litter pan if you have cats and spare poop bags for your dogs. Be sure you have one bag for each pet!
ID your animals: All pets should be microchipped, and ID tags with up-to-date contact information should always be affixed to their collars.
Travel Crate/Carrier: Before transporting your animals, make sure carriers are labeled with your name and contact information.
Find a shelter: Evacuation centers often don’t allow pets, so it’s important to know the local animal shelters, rescues, and county facilities that will take in pets during emergencies. Each shelter may have different intake requirements, so be sure to do your research beforehand!
Be in the know: Keep informed of the happenings in your community before, during, and after an emergency through the radio, TV, computer, or phone. Be prepared to adapt quickly to new information and news that could affect your circumstances.
Reenter slowly: Your home and neighborhood may differ after a disaster. When you return, it’s important to keep a close eye on pets and don’t let them roam loose. The break in routine can disorient your pets, so be patient during their transition back to normalcy.
Reminder! HSVC offers disaster relief and sheltering services at no charge to anyone who needs our help. Our hearts go out to all those affected by these disasters, as does our respect and admiration for those fighting to protect the people and animals in danger's way. Stay safe, everyone!
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