HSVC Staff Complete Equine First Aid Training Course


HSVC staff recently attended a two-day training in Santa Paula to expand their equine emergency first aid knowledge. Members of our Investigations and Equine Care teams spent the weekend learning from experts at Rocking Star Equine First Aid. The organization helps animal welfare staff be better prepared for animal emergencies while in the field. We are so grateful for their willingness to help our staff learn more about equine first aid!


During the first day of training, attendees learned how to condition a horse to accept treatment, take vital signs, and deal with lacerations, punctures, colic, choke, collapse, casting, shock, and hoof issues. The class also learned how to recognize pain in a horse, pain source identification, and injury prevention. The second day's curriculum included what staff should do during a time-sensitive, animal-related emergency. Covering everything from lacerations to poison, burns to bites, fractures to sucking chest wounds, the course prepared our staff to handle the most serious injuries while waiting for an onsite veterinarian.

"The information and skills we learned during these two days are invaluable in the field. There are times when we don't know exactly what we are walking into when investigating a case in the field. Completing these courses will help staff feel more confident in taking action when an emergency arises," said Humane Investigations Director Kendra King. 

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