Dually Update!
Dually update! Little Dually, the Chihuahua puppy who is missing her front two legs has graduated to some much deserved outdoor time! Dually, her mother Mercedes and her siblings Chevy and Shelby spend the best part of the day enjoying the sunshine where they can get some exercise and start strengthening their tiny muscles so they can go grow up healthy and strong. Dually has been doing her very best to stay caught up with her siblings and earlier today we captured a proud momma moment after Dually spent some time being socialized by our Volunteer Coordinator.
Recent visitors may have noticed Mercedes and her small family out in the puppy pens. Mercedes is a very protective mom so if you stop by for a visit be sure to give her some space. As with all new moms, she is doing her best to protect her young. As time goes on and with proper socialization by volunteers and staff, this beautiful Chihuahua family will be welcoming guests in no time!
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