Dickens Finds His Clan

Dickens the puppy has found his forever home with Doc, Carol (not pictured), and their clan of animals!

Doc and his wife Carol (not pictured) have adopted countless animals since they started visiting and supporting the HSVC over the past 20 years or so (they don’t remember exactly how many). Dickens is the latest to join their clan of 5 other dogs, cats, and goats on their expansive property in Rose Valley north of Ojai. Doc and Carol visited the HSVC recently and were alerted by staff about a newcomer to the Shelter, Dickens. They fell in love immediately and made arrangements to foster Dickens until he was available for adoption. During the two weeks under their care, Dickens made quick friends with the other dogs; Scooby, Dezi, Opie, Zena, and Yetti and learned the lifestyle of ranch living.

According to Carol, “Dickens fit right in with our animal family immediately. Our two-year-old cat Mila seeks him out to play. Our one-year-old cat, Khaleesi goes on morning walks with me and all 6 dogs, down one of our wilderness trails! She keeps her blue eyes on the pup, and her fur puffed up… just to let the newcomer know…that she could take him!”

Monday, Doc made the adoption permanent in what is known as a ‘Foster Fail.’

Dickens is a three-month-old Irish Wolfhound mix and came to the HSVC from a partner rescue. We wish Doc, Carol, Dickens, and the clan all the best.

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