Clean Up Day 2016 - Thank You to our Volunteers!


We had a wonderful and productive weekend at the shelter during our first clean up day of 2016! We would like to thank all of the volunteers who came out on Sunday to participate.

Starting around 9 am, our volunteers worked on removing weeds, filling holes from squirrels, raking the property, clearing out a small dead orange tree, cleaning up our meet & greet yard, cleaning our dog houses and doggy pools, reorganizing a storage shed, cleaning our feed shed, trimming low hanging branches off our trees, cleaning cobwebs from our kennels, and setting up a ‘poop station’ that was recently donated to us. That’s a lot of work! The property looks spectacular due to their hard work and dedication.

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  • Debra Allen
    commented 2016-01-26 17:31:26 -0800
    When is the next one?