Ten Years Later and Biskit is Still Bringing Joy!
Biskit was adopted from the HSVC in October of 2011. Originally transferred from a partner rescue in Kern County, Biskit caught the eye of HSVC staff member Greg Cooper and his wife Claudia while walking around the Kennel looking at available animals. They knew instantly she was the dog for them and it has been nonstop love ever since!
“She has been the joy of our life,” said Greg about caring for Biskit. “We have learned so much from her, through all the trials and tribulations of being a puppy and now into a grown dog,” Greg continued.
In the early days, they took her to the beach, dog park, or doggie daycare to help socialize her. She’s now the unofficial greeter at her current daycare, Ventura Dog Ranch, and helps most new dogs get acclimated to the pace of the facility.
While at home, “She loves to nap in between keeping a watchful eye for interlopers in the yard including squirrels or lizards,” said Claudia. “If those eyes could talk, I think she would say thank you for adopting her into her forever home,” Claudia said.
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