Don't Miss Out on the Birthday Bash Fun!
It's the final countdown until our 90th Birthday Bash and Open House! We want to make sure you don't miss out on any of the fun. Check out our schedule for Saturday's festivities, and don't forget to join us on June 11th from 10 - 3 pm to help us celebrate our milestone birthday!
HSVC's 90th Birthday Bash and Open House
10:00 am - Shelter opens, guests welcome! Enjoy full shelter tours, interactions with vendors, and visits with our adoptable animals.
12:00 pm - Speakers
- Besty Stix, Major of Ojai
- Eric Knight, HSVC Executive Director
- Jolene Hoffman, Shelter Director
12:30 pm - Ceremonial cake cutting. Thank you to our friends at Walmart for donating the cake!
12:45 pm - 3 pm - Enjoy ongoing activities! Meet our Humane Officers, get a tour of the Clinic, and learn more about our partner organizations. Don't forget to grab a bite from our friends at AIR Pizza and Shaifer's Kitchen!
3:00 pm - Birthday Bash festivities end. Thank you for celebrating with us!
5:00 pm - Shelter closes. Services resume Monday, June 13th, at 10 am.
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