Our Clinic Does It All!

It's day three of our back-to-school education week! Today we want to spotlight the wide range of services our Clinic offers and why they are important. From low-cost spay/neuter and vaccines to microchipping and TNR, each service is as vital as the next to help keep the animals of our community safe, happy, and healthy!

Spay and Neuter:

HSVC operates a low-cost spay/neuter Clinic for residents of Ventura County and their pets. As a high-volume spay/neuter clinic, the staff can perform anywhere from 10-20 surgeries per day. Their work is vital to helping combat pet overpopulation within Ventura County and, in turn, frees up more homes for animals already in shelters. 

Spay/neuter services are by appointment and offered for a low cost to better serve our community, specifically low-income areas. Click here to learn more and view surgery pricing or call the Clinic at (805) 646-7849 to schedule your appointment. Please note that Clinic services are high in demand and appointments often book out months in advance. 

Low-Cost Vaccination Clinics:

Vaccinating your pet is the best way to keep them safe from serious and potentially fatal diseases such as rabies, distemper, parvovirus, infectious hepatitis, Bordetella, feline leukemia, and more. Such diseases can also be very expensive and difficult to treat if not caught in the early stages. HSVC Cares hosts a low-cost vaccination clinic every Saturday from 10 am - 2 pm at the shelter, located at 402 Bryant St. in Ojai. Staff also host offsite low-cost vaccination clinics every 6-8 weeks at remote locations across the county. We offer several essential vaccines for free or low cost at these clinics to help keep the public's pets safe and healthy without breaking the bank.

Low-cost vaccine clinics are first come, first served. Always discuss your pet’s health and particular medical needs with your veterinarian. For more information and a full list of vaccinations offered, click here.

Feral Cat Program and TNR:

HSVC provides TNR (trap, neuter release) and trap loaner services to local residents for feral cats. TNR services are key to combatting cat overpopulation both in city streets and in shelters. These cats, also known as community cats, can be fixed at our Clinic for free on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays by appointment. Please do not trap a cat without an appointment. We recommend calling the shelter ahead of time at 805-646-6505 to make an appointment to ensure a spot on our schedule. The Clinic can usually accommodate a community cat for spay/neuter within 1-2 weeks. 

Surgery and treatment costs are generously subsidized through SPAN. This includes sterilization, FVRCP vaccination, Rabies vaccination (if 12-weeks of age or older), and ear tipping (not optional). Ear tipping is the best way for community cat trappers to know a cat has already been altered. If you do NOT wish for your cat to be ear-tipped, costs and treatments will be the financial responsibility of the trapper. Cats should be monitored overnight post-surgery unless it is a queen who recently gave birth.

Loaner traps are available for two weeks at a time with a $75 deposit and can be picked up during normal business hours (Monday - Saturday between 10 am and 5 pm). For more information about our feral cat and TNR programs, click here.


Microchips are a big help in reuniting pet owners with their lost animals. If your pet becomes lost and is turned in to a shelter or veterinarian’s office, staff will be able to get your contact information from the microchip and quickly reunite you with your lost animal. The HSVC offers implantation of microchips, including entry into our database and the BeKind PetFind Registry, for $25. Lifetime registration included!

Microchipping services are offered at the Shelter, located at 402 Bryant St. in Ojai, by appointment Monday through Friday from 11 am to 4 pm. Please call the shelter at 805-646-6505 to schedule an appointment. In addition to a microchip, be sure your animal is always wearing a collar and an ID tag with up-to-date information, even if they are an indoor-only animal. ID tags can be purchased at the HSVC for only $5 plus tax. To learn more about why you should microchip your pet, click here

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