09 Jun 2015
By Amanda Volden
We had an exciting day here at the HSVC last Friday! We had a special delivery of what will be a brand new tunnel for our agility yard! Boy Scout Jacob Fajardo has been working diligently on his Eagle Scout project that includes installing this monster tunnel (it weighs 500 lbs!) and a brand new dog yard too! He has been in scouts for ten years, starting at the rank of Wolf in Cub Scouts, all the way to today as a Life Scout. Now it is his goal to earn the rank of Eagle Scout, and this project is one of the requirements. A very special thank you to Granite Construction for donating the large diameter drain pipe and to Ojai Lumber Company for bringing it over with the forklift to get it in the yard. And of course, to Jacob for organizing all of this! The dogs are going to be so happy when it's done!