09 Sep 2015
By Franki Williams
SACRAMENTO, CA – Last week the California State Legislature passed a concurrent resolution declaring the Shelter Pet as the official California State Pet. The resolution, ACR 56, was introduced by Assembly member Eric Linder (R-Corona).
The Humane Society of Ventura County hopes that this new resolution will bring awareness to the plight of homeless animals that enter shelters every day. Making shelter pets the state pet of California encourages people to support and adopt from local shelters.
Each year, over 800,000 animals are taken in by California’s public and private shelters, with fewer than half adopted into new homes. SPCA’s, municipal animal shelters and humane societies often nurse severely sick animals back to health and are able to match them with permanent homes.
Erica Hughes, Executive Director, State Humane Association of California commented, "We are so thrilled that California’s shelter pets have gained official recognition by the Legislature.Sadly, many people are unaware of the tragic plight of shelter animals and their capacity for making wonderful companions. When people adopt from animal shelters, everyone wins:the animal gets a place to call home, the adopter gains a new family member, the burden on our overcrowded shelter system is eased, and each of us enjoys the benefits of living in a more compassionate society. We applaud Assembly member Linder's leadership and commitment to our state's shelter pets."