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The Humane Society of Ventura County is a compassionate care shelter and non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and adoption of animals in need throughout Ventura County.

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12 Oct 2015

October is Adopt-A-Shelter Dog Month!

By Franki Williams

October is Adopt-A-Shelter Dog month! All month long rescue organizations are busy bringing awareness to the special charms of shelter dogs and the perks of bringing one home. Dog rescue is good for you! You’ll be saving a life and greatly improving yours at the same time! Here are the top ten reasons to adopt a shelter dog:

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06 Oct 2015

Pet of the Week - Linus

By Franki Williams

Linus has officially been kid tested and approved! This friendly kitten was brought to us when he was just a teeny kitten and immediately went into a foster home where he could be bottle fed and cared for in a loving environment until he would be old enough for a home of his own. 

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06 Oct 2015

Ojai Cafe Emporium October Fundraiser

By Franki Williams

Thank you to Ojai Cafe Emporium for putting together this amazing fundraiser for the month of October! Let your server know that you are there to support the Humane Society of Ventura County (use one of these handy flyers) and Cafe Emporium will donate 10% of your total bill to help animals in need.

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06 Oct 2015

Academy Bound - NEW Humane Officer in Training

By Franki Williams

Yesterday morning was Adoption Counselor Kendra's first day of a 2 week life-changing adventure at the San Diego Humane Society Academy. Kendra has been at the Humane Society of Ventura County for over a year. When she returns in 2 weeks Kendra will join the staff as our newest Humane Officer.

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29 Sep 2015

Pet Of The Week - Trooper

By Franki Williams

Trooper is a beautiful 3 year old Pointer and Dalmatian mix who was surrendered to the shelter just a couple weeks ago. Trooper is full of energy but still minds his manners like a perfect gentleman. He loves people of all kinds and other dogs, though no cats for this guy.

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29 Sep 2015

Cats in the Canyon & Hounds in the Hollow Was a Huge Success!

By Franki Williams

Thank you to everyone who attended this past weekends Cats in the Canyon and Hounds in the Hollow event! We hope everyone had as much fun as we did. It’s an incredibly good feeling for the HSVC family to have been able to look out into the crowd and see all your smiling faces in support of animals in need throughout the county. This may have been our most successful year yet!