Humane Officers Attend Workshop at Search Dog Foundation


Thank you to our friends at the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF) for welcoming our staff to their Santa Paula campus and hosting an informative workshop! Humane Investigations Director Kendra King and Senior Humane Officer Utter were in attendance along with representatives from several other shelters and rescues across California. 

During the workshop attendees learned how to effectively evaluate potential working dogs. As an official SDF partner, this training was extremely valuable for our staff and the future animals who come into our care. Our shelter often houses high-energy breed dogs that can be difficult to place in a typical pet home. Being able to identify search dog potential early on can help decrease a pup's length of stay at the shelter and find a career that better suits their needs.

"Whether these pups find their way to completing disaster search training at SDF, or find their calling in a different career field, we will work together to keep finding each dog their place in life, where they were always meant to be," said SDF of their work with shelters like HSVC.


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  • Humane Society of Ventura County
    published this page in Latest News 2023-06-19 13:41:41 -0700