
Rattlesnake Training coming to Ojai July 25th!

"For those who enjoy the outdoors with your dogs or those living inĀ homes backed up to hillsides and in rural areas, rattlesnakes can be a great risk to your dog requiring emergency medical careĀ and the cost involved can rise quickly."

"Rattlesnake avoidance training will teach your dog to avoid the sight, sound and the smell of a rattlesnake once they become aware of one to give you peace of mind and potentially save both you and your dogs' life by alerting you to the presence of a rattlesnake."

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  • Nancy Peterson
    commented 2015-07-14 09:33:34 -0700
    I was a believer in avoidance training until both of my dogs were bit by young rattlers (with nothing to rattle) just 2-3 months after passing the training class twice! Please understand the reality and limitations of this training.