Our Pet Food Bank Needs Your Help!


WE NEED YOUR HELP! We have completely run out of cat food and are low on dog food for our pet food bank. We are reaching out to our community for donations so we can keep this vital service going!

Our Pet Food Bank provides free pet food to low-income pet guardians throughout Ventura County. One of the most common reasons for pet relinquishment is financial difficulty, and the Pet Food Bank hopes to help people who are struggling to keep their beloved pets.

This is where you come in! The Pet Food Bank is entirely supported through community donations. We are always in need of dog and cat food, wet or dry, to keep the Pet Food Bank stocked.

You can drop off donations at our location at 402 Bryant St in Ojai. Thank you for your support!

*Food is available on a first come, first-served basis until we run out.

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  • Diann Colton
    commented 2017-09-26 23:56:18 -0700
    I hope this community helps out. Really I find it a bit shameful that a community with such an affluent group of multimillionaires from Hollywood would not Support this amazing no kill shelter, thus this should never happen.
    I am 3,500 miles away, I will give my help.