HSVC Welcomes Moorpark Teaching Zoo


The HSVC wants to extend a big thank you to our friends at Moorpark Teaching Zoo for visiting the shelter and teaching our campers about exotic animals! Shelter staff and campers had fun learning about the zoo and interacting with their collection of animals. Thank you to the zoo staff and instructors for making our last day of summer camp memorable!


Campers got introduced to five different types of exotic animals including Jax, a 21-year-old Harris's Hawk (above, left), and a Australian Sugar Glider named Rain (above, middle/right).


Above, left/middle: Campers interacting with Candy Corn, a colorful Corn Snake. Above, right: Rupee, a 23-year-old Porcupine impressed the campers with his impressive nut cracking skills and stunning good looks. 

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  • Humane Society of Ventura County
    published this page in Latest News 2023-07-05 12:09:06 -0700