Eventful Weekend for HSVC!


The HSVC had an eventful weekend participating in not one, but two events this past Saturday! Thank you to our friends at Boat Specialists for hosting us as part of their annual Boat Show and Tent Sale. Boat Specialists also had several of their vendors put out tip jars at their booths with all proceeds going to the shelter. We appreciate the support!


In addition to a successful adoption event, HSVC Humane Education also hosted a successful Pollinator Pals event on Saturday! This event helped share knowledge about our pollinator friends and share ways the animal-loving community can help promote the survival of pollinators. Attendees helped to care for and plant native plants, tended to the garden, and connected with local non-profit organizations.

“The Pollinator Pals event was a great success!  I saw so many smiling faces that day and hope to create more opportunities like this free event in the future,” says organizer/Humane Educator Angie Chupek Sagliani.

A huge thank you to our HSVC staff, volunteers and community partners: The Turtle ConservancyOjai Green Valley Project, Native Monarchs, and Rincon-Vitova Insectaries for helping out at this event.

If you would like more information about community education events, reach out to Angie Chupek Sagliani at [email protected].



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  • Humane Society of Ventura County
    published this page in Latest News 2023-05-08 14:52:34 -0700